Career Club

Incubation Career Club is a platform initiated by Team Incubation to help students to achieve their career goals. Career Club Executives are the members of the career club who will get intensive training and information about career guidance and counseling.

The ultimate goal of career guidance is to contribute to the holistic development of young people, supporting their transition to the world of work and decision making as they strive for continuous improvement throughout their lives. For this reason, career guidance should not be restricted to the formal education system or to choosing an occupation, as has traditionally occurred. It can also help youth better define their dreams and interests and the importance of staying in school and participating in their communities.

Training methods Include

  • Lectures and Discussions.
  • Demonstrations.
  • Skills Practice.
  • Role plays.
  • Group Presentations.
  • Assignments and projects.
  • Skills practice with Students in Schools.
  • Independent field assignments.
  • Institutional visits.

Field Practice

On completion of contact period, the participant is expected to conduct a field practice independently in his/her location. He or She should handle minimum 6 hours of career guidance session. The exercise will be supervised by the faculty. Regular recording of work as per pre-prepared Power Point presentations and submissions of a field practice report is expected.